In the plan of creation, aside from humans, no other being is self-aware of its identity and does not know its moving direction and position in existence. Only humans are able to give meaning to their presence in the vast field of existence and create their own life path.
– As long as mankind acknowledges his position in existence, including the cosmic ecosystem, the terrestrial ecosystem, and the environment, he will always be lost and confused and trapped in wars, corruption, poverty, hunger, and so on. The continuation of this trend leads to environmental destruction and subsequently poses a threat of natural disasters, which in turn, subjects humans to the consequences of divine wrath.
The chaotic and disordered image of the Earth is the result of a mindset that indicates humans have not yet found out their cosmopolitan identity (Interuniversalism) and due to lack of cognition, understanding and perception of their existential philosophy, they have turned the Earth into a battleground for their selfishness, propelling it towards destruction and ruin in the pursuit of their own interests.
Therefore, the lack of ‘International’ identity of the human being, has created the most sorrowful situation for the Earth. The number of individuals who perceive and act upon the meaning and concept of the environment is few. In this regard, the Principle of Encompassment reminds us that the ‘encompassing’ is True and Absolute in relation to the ‘encompassed’, and has originality. The ‘encompassed’ is always bound and dependent on what’s encompassing it. Just like the human being who is dependent on his ecosystem and environment. The relation of a passenger to a ship is similar to this. If the number of passengers on the ship is so high that the possibility of the ship sinking exists, the propriety is to preserve the safety of the ship.
Life benefits from an extraordinary design. As long as humans fail to discover the design of creation and neglect to pursue their purpose, they perceive their function as preserving their interests and perceive their position as encompassing life. They try their hardest to fulfill their desires and end up endangering existence itself.
The Principle of Encompassment, in its relevant definitions, refers to a part of the human identity against the ‘encompassing’, which has abnormally dominated the ecosystem and has moved it away from symphasy with the cosmic. The lack of a clear biological definition of the human being, is cause of abnormality of the humanity in facing the environment and their lack of symphasy with the cosmos which has embraced them compassionately.
It is necessary for us to look at the universe with respect and while preserving the Earth and prompting human rights, we need to strive to establish sustainable peace on the Earth. Humanity’s current need to preserve environmental values is greater than ever before. Achieving this important and vital issue is one of the sublime objectives of Taheri Peace Organization, aiming to provide a foundation for improvement of actions and environment revival.
Interuniversalism viewpoint refers to the elevation of human thought to a global level. This viewpoint encourages us to align our behavior with our position and situation in the universe, so that we can follow a Kamālistical (with Spiritual Perfection tendency) mindset.
The Human being stands at a point where he deeply needs to understand the Whole, to achieve this crucial goal, he must liberate his circle of thoughts from limitations and refrain from getting caught up in trivial or insignificant details in order to succeed in implementing sublime goals by embracing the concept of ‘universe-citizen’.
If the human being fails to discover the purpose of his existence on this unique planet, and why he inhabits it, he will inevitably be solely focused on securing his own personal interests, as a result, the Earth will suffer the consequences of such thinking.
Centuries of experience in dealing with conflict, wars, and disputes have shown that humans have missed their golden opportunities and have not found anything to resort to, because this information has not been aligned with the knowledge of Kamāl (Spiritual Perfection) and the Whole Intellect; Therefore, human being has turned around himself in vain.
In the Interuniversalism viewpoint of Erfan-e Halgheh, God is studied as fitting for true knowledge of Him, preparing the individual’s mind for such comprehension. Within this thinking, God is omnipresent and the world realm is the presence of God.
He is not merely the God of the heavens, as our subconsciousness has often confined Him to that place alone; overlooking Him being closer to us than the neck vein. We fail to even feel Him next to us and on the Earth. God belongs to all places and times. But humans address Him in times of need and have no interaction with Him when they don’t feel the need.
Now is the time to reassess our perception of the meaning and concept of life that creates awareness and Knowledge (Maᶜrefat) for us in practice.