World Peace Promotion

The Globalization of the phenomenon of peace, this ancient human ideal, is a significant topic of discussion in international communities, which has occupied a vast space in fading borders, convergence of nations, and the revival of human rights.

In recent years, efforts by governmental and non-governmental organizations to regulate and approve a treaty prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons, as well as addressing the occurrence of numerous wars, particularly chemical and microbial wars, have not only been necessary, but it is also necessary for all governments to prioritize and pay attention to the non-production and manufacture of weapons of mass destruction and strategic weapons.

In other words, after years of tragic and sorrowful experiences, governments must have come to the conclusion that “The guarantee of peace does not lie in the accumulation of   arsenals”; Of course, this does not mean complete disarmament and surrender to the enemy, but it is reasonable to spend within a sensible amount, because with a careful look, one can observe that the people of the world are facing a significant paradox:

Is it possible for “powerful countries to produce weapons of mass destruction as well as chemical and microbial weapons, in order to achieve sustainable peace”?

The experience of the recent century has given us a clear answer: “never”.

The ideal is to allocate excessive budgets to address issues such as pollution control, desert greening, afforestation, ensuring and revitalizing the water production cycle, preventing drought, eliminating poverty, hunger, and disease in deprived areas, because this unique planet is currently the only refuge for humanity.

The people of any land are not inherently greedy and warmongers, and it is these powerful rulers and planners who must come to comprehend that: Wars are the result of their own excessive ambitions, and the sovereignty of one human over another is contrary to natural and human rights; for “rulers are servants hired by the people of their land for a certain period of time and nothing more.”

Sustainable peace is the result of a fundamental change in outlook. The end of war, massacre, and aimlessness will only take place when humans seek to discover their own existential philosophy and mission on this earthly planet.

The 29th of May, is annually designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, in order to pay tribute to the UN personnel who have served with dedication in the pursuit of peacekeeping goals.

On this day, UN offices, along with member countries and non-governmental organizations, hold ceremonies to express gratitude to the “peacekeepers”, especially those who have sacrificed their lives for this purpose. On this day, the UN Secretary-General conducts a wreath-laying ceremony and awards the “Dag Hammarskjöld Medal” to honor the efforts of the fallen personnel.

Among the key characteristics of these forces are: internationality, impartiality, refraining from force and hostility, border control, supervision of prisoner of war exchanges, humanitarian assistance and oversight of proper implementation and respect for human rights, addressing internal state disputes to foster more lasting peace and facilitate political processes, protecting civilian populations, supporting freedom of choice and organizing free and fair elections in a country, administration of internal governance, helping establish or reform a government (from economic perspective), promoting and upholding human rights standards and continuous efforts to preserve peace.

However, the current conflicts and tensions in the world indicate that achieving these objectives, maintaining sustainable peace, and preserving it requires fundamental shifts in the worldviews and actions of influential individuals on this Earthly planet.

While honoring this day and the ambitions of “Peacekeepers”, Taheri Peace Organization seeks to demonstrate that as long as influential politicians and rulers see their own existence solely in turmoils such as war, expansionism, , and global domination, organizations like the “Peacekeepers” will be limited to superficial activities due to the lack of a fundamental program in global politics. And the personnel of such organizations will be constantly under threat and harm, standing alongside the oppressed nations.

Taheri Peace Organization
June 8, 2022