Protection of Human Rights

Freedom is one of the ultimate goals of humanity, which in line with human life towards sublimity, has a worthy place in his contemplative and Kamālseeking mindset. Freedom and its relevant concepts have always been and remained among the important and considerable components in all religions, schools of thought, works of sags and philosophers. This fact has turned it into a sacred expression in the culture of human societies. However, to achieve the true meaning and concept of freedom, it is necessary to understand and comprehend the plan of creation so that through this, the reason for entrusting the principle of freedom in human existence can be recognized.

Freedom is an inherent phenomenon which from the viewpoint of monotheistic religions and non-monotheistic mysticism of the East as well as various schools of thought, embodies an inner and substantial concept of the nature of human existence. This divine phenomenon is neither artificial nor acquired.

Freedom is one of the fundamental human values that shows the basic foundation of the relationship between individuals and governments in societies. Clarifying the logic behind this principle, which is dependent on individual’s volition and free-will, is based on a justice-centered and peaceful framework, and can only be achieved through realization of the viewpoint of Interuniversalism (cosmopolitanism) in a human-inclusive manner.

Although the reality of autocratic societies shows that they have turned this principle into an unattainable ideal by increasingly restricting freedom rights in order to secure their own survival and dominance.

Freedom is a divine gift that has bestowed the value of free-will and choice to elaborate on humans’ integrity and distinguish them from any other creatures.  Accordingly, human’s prostration (Sajdeh) before God was rooted on the ‘step of love’ and the principle of freedom and free-will, not on the basis of coercion and imposition of predetermined belief (Bāvar) and faith (Īmān).

The development of sustainable global peace is not only unachievable without the right to exploit individual freedom, but also becomes a mere slogan for the selfish exploitation of such esteemed concepts. Freedom and peace are so intertwined that peace without freedom and freedom without peace will have no meaning.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech and belief is a way to convey a thought and to present an opinion to others. The principle of freedom of speech, meaning expression of beliefs and thoughts, whether it is philosophical, religious, social, political, or scientific, and on this basis, according to the viewpoint of jurists freedom of speech must be presented within a specific and defined principle to avoid violating the rights of others. One of the longstanding debates throughout history and in societies has been the ambiguity surrounding the boundaries and limits of freedom of expression.

Therefore, humans are obliged to uphold human integrity and to respect the values of Kamāl-seeking (Perfection-seeking) in the pursuit and attainment of truth and achieving it. By doing so, they can use these effective tools for overcoming  problems and crisis management to improve the quality of their shared life with others.

One of the Articles of the Declaration of Human Rights is about freedom of opinion and it states: Every individual has the right to freedom of opinion and speech, and this right requires that no one should be afraid or concerned about holding their own opinions. The founder of Erfan-e Keyhani Halgheh has spent more than 8 years of his life in Iranian political and ideological prisons and has endured numerous tortures under the pressure of the Iranian Islamic Republic’s belief inspection apparatus, because of defending the right to freedom of speech and thought.

Taheri Peace Organization, based on Mr. Mohammad Ali Taheri’s experience and perception of the toxic and inhumane conditions created by oppressive rulers against freedom of speech and belief, has opened a novel window for practical support of this important matter by presenting new theories in the fields of Erfan (mysticism), science, philosophy, and religion. With respect for the principles of human rights, he focuses on the preservation and promotion of the concept of freedom of speech, and in this regard, invites all free-thinkers and organizations that are defending peace and human rights for further co-thinking and solidarity.

Freedom of Religions

One aspect of human rights issues is the role of religious freedom in achieving justice. This means that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and speech without fear or apprehension, and is entitled to have a choice in acquiring information related to his thoughts and beliefs without limitations imposed by the government or a particular group.

In fact, societies should not dictate the boundaries of individuals’ freedom of belief. Freedom of religion is the essential right of every individual entitling them to express their beliefs and convictions privately or publicly without any restrictions.

Depriving human rights for freedom of religion and belief is one of the most ruthless outcomes of radical and extremist regimes, by constraining social space, they impose their narrow-minded ideologies to their people under the guise ofreligion.

In the promotion of world peace and the establishment of social justice, no individual should be subjected to interrogation and harassment for his beliefs and religion. Any breach of this important human principle is a clear violation of human rights.

Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights emphasizes that the violation of the rights of humans to practice their religious beliefs is considered unjust.

Unfortunately, due to pursuit of power by autocratic leaders in totalitarian religious regimes, the personal freedoms of thousands of people are ignored solely because of their ideological and religious inclinations. These oppressors degrade human nobility and use religion as a guise to achieve their inhumane and unjust goals through terror and oppression.

With a medieval approach and a superficial interpretation of religion, religious shallow-minded leaders seek to eliminate their opponents physically under the pretext of insulting and slandering religious beliefs in order to preserve their position and interests and deprive them from the right of life. Sovereignty of people over people, with religious centeredness is one of the most conspicuous violations of human rights.

Taheri Peace Organization not only condemns such violation, but also in alignment with international and human rights institutions, in support of religious freedom, it proposes that this type of authoritarian rule be rejected and be recognized as a violation of human rights and be annexed to the main provisions of the Human Rights Convention.

No to Execution

Execution lacks a deterrent effect and it is usually used as a tool of suppression in flawed judicial systems.  The death penalty is a symbol of a culture of violence and not a suitable solution for addressing crimes. This inhumane and degrading act is the most barbaric form of punishment from the Middle Ages, where many innocent people are sentenced to death in the courts of oppressive regimes.

In countries governed by dictatorship and autocracy, not only does the volition of the people play no role in their fate, but their thoughts and votes do not also count. For this reason, regimes imprison innocent people and even issue death sentences easily in order to preserve their power and interests, and as a result, they intensify the scope of corruption and destruction in a society.

Therefore, death sentence and taking away life from humans represent the most severe forms of punishment, which undoubtedly raise feelings of hatred and revenge in societies and harm the human spirit.

Every day, a number of people are sentenced to death for a wide range of crimes, including drug offenses, terrorist acts, mental and psychological disabilities, and even execution of convicts under 18 years of age.

In this regard, all judicial institutions that determine punishments based on the volition and free-will and authority of the existing government of any society must know that the death penalty is irreversible and there is always the possibility that a mistake has occurred.

Taheri Peace Organization while rejecting the death penalty believes it is necessary to respect the right to life for every living being, especially humans, and sees the proper use of this unique gift of creation depending on Knowledge (Maᶜrefat)-seeking, awareness, and all-encompassing Selfology.

This organization considers a healthy personality status as the criterion for upholding social laws. It believes that a lack of awareness and non-compliance with the laws governing the universe contribute to deviance and crime in communities, which due to the severity of punishments, results in more abnormalities.

Taheri Peace Organization, in alignment with Amnesty International opposes the death penalty under all circumstances, without exception. This stance remains firm regardless of the identity of the accused or the nature and circumstances of the crime or whether the person is innocent or guilty.

Severe and irreparable punishments such as life imprisonment, long-term imprisonment, and execution are irrational and unethical. Although the system of punishment and retribution cannot be stopped for thousands of reasons, it is possible to introduce elements of moderation of thoughts and ethics into the social outlook through cultural development for perceiving human status in the universe. 


Every day, numerous individuals around the world decide to leave their homeland in pursuit of a safer and better life. Leaving one’s homeland has many reasons, the majority of which include human rights violations, poverty and hunger, war, and climate change. All these journeys begin with the hope of a brighter future, even though these journeys are filled with danger and fear.

The term refugee or asylum seeker is used to refer to someone who has left their country to seek greater rights.

Sometimes the life threat is so serious for some individuals that they see no choice other than leaving their country. It is the right of refugees to receive international support. Those who leave their country as asylum seekers or war victims and move towards another destination often experience having their identity ignored. This is while no individual should be judged based on the legal status of their residence in a country.

People should be able to live in a world where, if forced to leave their homeland for any reason, they could rebuild their lives in a safe environment. Also, governments should not force anyone to return to their country.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone is entitled to apply and use asylum in other countries facing persecution and harassment.

Regardless of how and why asylum seekers enter a country, they should be entitled to the same rights as other individuals.

From the viewpoint of Taheri Peace Organization, seeking asylum represents one of the most unpleasant manifestations of injustice, oppression, and inequality in human societies. However, in practice, it is a righteous and godly act, provided that everyone, despite leaving their own country, continues to fight against the spread of injustice and oppression. While admiring the endeavors and determination of refugees and displaced people; Besides seeking God’s aid and mercy, we appeal to all relevant institutions and organizations worldwide to help save humans from the tumultuous conditions resulted by injustice and oppression.

By introducing the ‘Interuniversalism’ Doctrine, Taheri Peace Organization, pursues several objectives. One of them is to be able to look at humans beyond borders.

This is because, in order to overcome the issues and challenges facing humanity, there is a greater need for collective cooperation and public assistance, so that humans can achieve their sublime goals towards Kamāl (Spiritual Perfection).

Racial Discrimination

Discrimination strikes at the core of human identity and results in the deprivation of their rights. It harms individuals and perpetuates injustice.

Discrimination takes place when individuals cannot equally and fairly enjoy their human rights and other civil rights due to unfair differentiations in laws or in human conduct.

The work of Amnesty International is based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination. The organization believes in challenging discriminatory laws and practices by collaborating with different communities around the world, so that all individuals can equally enjoy their rights.

Every human being has the right to be treated equally, regardless of their gender, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, class, belief, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, health status, and other characteristics. However, we repeatedly hear painful and tragic narratives of individuals who, due to belonging to a group ‘different’ from those in power, suffer from violence and cruelty.

• Just as Amnesty International has highlighted the measures to repeal discriminatory laws and uphold individual freedoms, Taheri Peace Organization also respects these human laws and advocates for their widespread implementation in all international communities.

This organization also considers the below mentioned aspects worthy of respect and works in alignment with other relevant institutions and organizations to eradicate this ugly inhuman phenomenon:

• Protection of all individuals against violence and discrimination.
• Establishing laws and policies that promote participation and diversity in all spheres of society
• Taking action against the roots of discrimination, including challenging stereotypes and attitudes that perpetuate discrimination.

Considering that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that all human beings are born free and equal in reputation and rights, they should be able to enjoy all the rights and freedoms outlined in that declaration without distinction, particularly in terms of reputation, race, color, nationality, gender, language, and religion.

Taheri Peace organization also advocates for the development of preservation of ‘human integrity’ on a global scale and based on the principles of inherent reputation to uphold human rights. Through a cosmopolitan perspective, it endeavors to eradicate the ugly and inhumane phenomenon of racial discrimination at all levels. Through enhancing public view and creating a platform for raising everyone’s awareness about the status of humans in existence, it aims to define a new meaning of life with equal rights for mankind.

Gender Equality

Today, lack of gender discrimination and equality of rights between men and women emphasize the need for change in viewpoints and values as one of the intellectual foundations.

The concept of gender stereotypes refers to an organized set of beliefs about women and men, with the conditions of society determining another part of the root of this distinction.

Today, at a global level, the norms that serve as common rules and guidelines place social behaviors in certain positions, have led individuals, both men and women, in a situation where their existence increasingly depends on the dominance of the materialistic world.

However, according to the purposefulness of the creation plan, human beings are not merely tools for materialistic pursuits. In order to develop and evolve Knowledge (Maᶜrefat)-based and principled values, it is necessary to establish a position for the growth of spiritual-seeking roots in various societies.

Without perceiving the essence of identity in the universe and awareness about a unified root of existence, one cannot distance themselves from the instrumental and dualistic perspective of gender and experience true happiness and tranquility. This persistent inequality is always the cause of the emergence of ever-increasing abnormalities, resulting in the violation of human rights. It leads to multiple oppositions leading to the collapse of positive human traits.

All human beings should transcend this superficial difference and, in line with the intelligent process of existence, should strive to realize their invaluable status. Through symphasy and existential harmonization with the divine manifestations, they should engage in promoting global interests.

Taheri Peace organization considers the implementation of the centrality of human Kamāl (spiritual perfection) and raising public awareness essential for creating a world free of anger and conflict, in order to establish gender equality and comprehend unity.

All individuals need to study the ‘catalog of existence’ to recognize the depth of their own being and in order to replace novel thoughts with erroneous and outdated mental programs. This can contribute to the prosperity of individual lives, families, and communities, and create an unshakable infrastructure.

Human Integrity and Poverty Eradication

Respecting human rights through international institutions is vital for the liberation of humans in case of eradication of poverty in deprived communities. Addressing this abnormal human phenomenon requires acknowledging all individuals and their right to express their opinions in order to attain fair conditions.

According to global statistics, currently a large number of people (around 900 million individuals) suffer from a distressing problem called hunger. Regardless of unforeseen environmental events, these issues are not solely due to resource scarcity but are a result of negligence and discrimination that have perpetuated the bitter reality of deprivation in human societies with incompetent governments. Undoubtedly, all individuals worldwide have an inherent right to enjoy social, economic, and cultural rights without discrimination at all levels.

The deplorable result of global statistics regarding individuals suffering from malnutrition is a grave warning of human rights violations. The implementation of certain unprincipled practices in human societies contradicts the principle of human integrity and esteem. These include poverty, neglect of vulnerable populations, and the denial of basic human rights, which are matters of international concern.

The realization of human integrity and human rights is a shared chapter for humans on Earth, which is recognized as precious across all nations through the inherent and unified essence of humanity. Therefore, neglecting this principle has led to a crisis and degradation of the existential truth of human beings.

Today, we witness various forms of deprivation in different societies, including lack of access to clean water, nutritious food, housing, mental and physical health, and unstable conditions of economic, social, cultural, and family security. In this regard, governments should strive to develop a legal protocol to ensure access to these necessities for the most deprived individuals worldwide and enforce it through legislation.

Achieving comprehensive human peace seems impossible without the restoration of human integrity and healthy personality.

Based on this principle, and in parallel with this movement, Taheri Peace Organization recognizes the necessity of selfology and understanding the levels of Kamāl (spiritual perfection) and sublimity as the right of all human beings. Because without recognition, understanding and perception of one’s status in existence, and without awareness of the unique philosophy of creation and the revival of human nobility, no one can expect the establishment of global peace and justice.