The inherent dignity of the human being is a theme in discussions surrounding human rights, and it indicates that human rights are a natural gift from God, and cannot be revoked by anyone because they are deeply ingrained in humans’ Fetrat (main motherboard).
The concept of citizenship rights has a broad meaning that is used to describe the human identity in establishing value and credibility beyond social phenomena, in order to foster security, growth, and prosperity in society. In this regard, every government is obligated to create a framework for the development of peace and social justice. Such efforts create a sense of obligation among individuals to adhere to it through their shared interconnected interest with their fellow human beings as if each of them is a part of a ‘Uni-Body’.
In civil society, citizens have the right to determine their own destiny, oversee the administration of affairs, and demand accountability from those in power, with the government serving the people in this regard. Each individual is an independent being with their own desires, mindsets, and unique personality. However, without connection to fellow humans and other beings, his existence loses its nobility, and he will remain distant from his existential identity and the gifts of creation. As a result, he cannot be in harmony with the system of the universe (existence).
Ensuring the provision of conditions for citizenship rights and relatively equal opportunities is an essential requirement of global justice in the context of human rights. Therefore, the manner in which individuals’ citizenship rights are formed within society, lies at the heart of human rights discussions, ensuring that this crucial matter does not fall victim to the self-indulgence of oppressive rulers. Human societies, while maintaining unity and alliance, should support this absolute right and resist unjust rules to safeguard freedom and advocate for justice.
One of the objectives of Taheri Peace Organization is to recommend the establishment of a groundwork for Knowledge (Maᶜrefat) and awareness, aimed at promoting Kamāl (Spiritual Perfection) at various levels of society and among all social strata. Spiritual teachings hold special attention to the worth and dignity of all human beings, so that in a safe and peaceful environment, and under Knowledgism (Maᶜrefat-gerāyī), the rights of all beings and other humans are respected.
Globalization of citizenship (global citizenship) is an important and influential topic in today’s world. Without understanding the philosophy of creation and verifying existential identity, human beings will not be able to benefit from it and will never pursue the meaning of life in a sublime and extensive manner.